Deprecation Notice

Hi all, I'm sorry to say but starting October 7, 2024 the plant server will no longer be available at Going to let the domain expire since I think this server's time has come I don't want to keep paying for the domain. Sorry for any inconvenience! You're welcome to take this and spin it up yourself if you'd like!


β€”Jason, Sept 2024

πŸͺ΄ Plant Tracker Server

A simple Express server for week 7 review


  1. Clone or download this repo.
  2. Install dependencies:
$ npm install
  1. Set environment variables: Create .env based on .env_sample and set the port number and API key.
  2. Start the server:
$ node index.js

# Or run with change watcher:
$ npm run dev


You must provide an API key as a query string to every request.

?api_key=<YOUR API KEY>


πŸ’ GET



  "id": 1,
  "name": "Pam",
  "type": "Big Green One",
  "water_frequency": 7,
  "image_url": "",
  "last_watered": 1620925225646



  "name": "Name",
  "type": "Type",
  "water_frequency": 5, // Number of days
  "image_url": "Url",
  "last_watered": "YYYY-MM-DD" // Optional



πŸ€ PUT


  "name": "Michael",
  "water_frequency": 5



🌿 Endpoints

All GraphQL queries should be sent as GET or POST requests to /graphql

🌡 Objects


Plant {
  id ID
  name! String
  type! String
  water_frequency! Int
  image_url! String
  last_watered! Float

πŸ’ Queries


Returns one plant by ID.

Name Type Description Required?
Arguments id ID The ID of the plant to get βœ…
Possible Returns plant.* Plant Any requested field from the Plant object ---


Returns a list of plants

Name Type Description Required?
Arguments none --- --- ---
Possible Returns --- Plant[] A list of Plant objects and any of their requested fields ---

🌱 Mutations


Creates a new plant

Name Type Description Required?
Arguments name String The name of the new plant βœ…
type String The type of the new plant βœ…
water_frequency Int Number of days after which the plant should be watered βœ…
image_url String The URL for the image of the plant βœ…
last_watered String When the plant was last watered in "YYYY-MM-DD" format ❌
Possible Returns plant.* Plant Any requested field from the newly created Plant object ---


Edits a plant given its ID.

Name Type Description Required?
Arguments id ID The ID of the plant to edit βœ…
name String The new name for the plan ❌
type String The new type for the plant ❌
water_frequency Int Number of days after which the plant should be watered ❌
image_url String The new URL for the plant's image ❌
last_watered String When the plant was last watered in "YYYY-MM-DD" format ❌
Possible Returns plant.* Plant Any fields from the updated Plant object ---


Deletes a plant given its ID.

Name Type Description Required?
Arguments id ID The ID of the plant to delete βœ…
Possible Returns ID The ID of the deleted plant ---


Waters a plant given its ID.

Name Type Description Required?
Arguments id ID The ID of the plant to water βœ…
Possible Returns plant.* Plant Any requested field from the updated Plant object ---